RHI Annual Fund
An Unrestricted Fund
There are always patient needs that do not align with the Research, Adaptive Sports Program, or Dr. Lisa Thompson restricted funds. The RHI Foundation invests in this unrestricted fund to meet those needs, including patient financial assistance, staff training and education, equipment and robotics, programs to improve quality of life and patient experience, and any other need aligning with RHI’s mission that can be supported through philanthropy.
Annual Fund Leadership
The RHI Foundation Annual Fund is stewarded by the RHI Foundation Board of Directors. The Board considers recommendations received from the RHI Priorities Committee, composed of representatives from multiple departments across RHI. This committee evaluates funding requests and prioritizes the initiatives according to available funding and RHI’s mission.
Fund Initiatives
Some examples of funded initiatives include:
- Support RHI’s world-class applied research endeavors such as the testing of interventions that support family coping, rejoining the community, and returning to work
- Provide continuing education and training to clinicians to ensure best practice, patient care, outcomes, and patient experience
- Provide patient financial assistance
- Facilitate the purchase of capital equipment like 1) the Adaptive Driving Van to support new therapy programs like Return to Driving, and 2) the ReWalk Robotic Walking Device to support research and wellness programs at RHI for persons with spinal cord injury
- Make possible facility improvements like the newly remodeled therapy kitchen
- Improve the quality of life for persons in our community with physical disabilities by providing competitive and recreational sport opportunities through the RHI Sports Program