Participation Forms
How to Sign Up
To sign-up for an event, please use the Eventbrite link located on our flyers, Facebook, or Instagram page. For all RHI Sports Program Clinics please complete the following forms:
- Intake Form
- Event Participation Waiver
- Scuba Medical Release (For scuba clinic only)
Please scan and email them to rhisports@rhin.com, Fax at 1(317) 329-2020, or bring them completed to the clinic. Some clinics may require medical release by the company we are partnering with for the event. Please read description of event to make sure a medical release is not needed for the clinic you will be participating in.
Participation Forms
- Athlete Intake Form (PDF)
- Participation Waiver & Photo Release Form (PDF)
- Physician Release Form (PDF)
- Scuba Medical Release (PDF)
- Social Distancing and COVID-19 Waiver (PDF)
- Athlete Participation Fee Scholarship Form (PDF)